.....is a rockin' treasure chest! My students will literally do ANYTHING to get a chance at getting something out of mine! I spend all year scouring clearance, yard sales, anywhere to get good stuff without taking too much out of my pocket. My general rule of thumb is I usually don't pay more than a dime per prize. That sounds like I have a bunch of junk in my treasure chest, but when stores want to get rid of seasonal stuff, they mark it waaaaaay down. In past experiences I've lucked up at after holiday sales, where they have little toys and candy for stocking, Easter baskets, that kind of thing. I went to a yard sale a couple of weeks ago that had Happy Meal toys still in the packages for a nickel! I bought everyone they had of course! I have a cousin that gives me her happy meal toys to go in the chest, she's older than me and doesn't usually want to play with them! :) Well, today I broke my rule and paid a quarter for my new treasure chest jewels. It was such cute stuff. So, my secret is out, my students love me because I keep a well stocked treasure chest. Check out my other 25 cent finds!
In true teacher form, I have no idea how I will use these in my classroom- writing, Math, the possibilities are endless, but for a quarter, I will find a use!
Look at these babies, my open house gift for my kiddies! I'm doing a movie star theme and these July 4th bubbles will work perfectly! I will give out the red stars and one of teammates is doing a baseball stars theme, she'll give out the blue ones. How's that for a 12.5 cent gift!
Aren't these cuuuuuute! Handmade, glittery cards, you guessed it- 25 cents! These will be perfect for our grade level. When you work at a school someone is always getting married or having a baby- which means lots of showers! These cards are blank on the inside which gives all 7 teachers on the grade level room to write in it!
If you can't already tell, I'm so excited about all my "finds!"
Cool stuff. Gets me in the mood....for school to start!